Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sorry for the lack of posts lately....

Spent a few days in Asheville to see Queens of the Stone Age and I've been recovering ever since...

More to come soon!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Guinness Floats!

Just had one of these last night...

The recipe is as follows:

3 scoops Vanilla ice-cream
1 bottle Guinness stout
Mixing Instruction
Put the ice cream in first, then add the Guinness carefully. Wait for the head to go down then fill to top. Blend if you want a milkshake.

If you like Beer and if you like floats, you should try it! It's pretty freaking amazing!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Have you ever felt like you've been going through a long dark tunnel and when you think you see the light at the end it just turns out to be an old dusty street light? Miles and miles of blackness left? That's pretty much me right now....

But hey, gotta keep trekking on...

Anywho, here's the most awesome video I've seen in awhile....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Pat's!

A day where we promote the stereotype of the Irish and get drunk off our asses!

Happy Drinking!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Groundhogs

I just found out about these guys about a week ago and I've been binging on them like crazy!

<---The Desert Sessions actually covered this one

They're almost a mixture of Cream and early Captain Beefheart.

If you like it, buy it at Amazon here!

Birds with arms...

Holy crap, this is funny...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The year 2000 in the eyes of a french man from 1910...

Pretty trippy...

To control air traffic jams, there will be more and more flying policemen.

Fly-thu service...

Schools will be equipped with audio books.

Horses will be so rare that people will pay to see them.

You’ll be able to send mail just by dictating it into loudspeaker.


Listening to an audio-newspaper.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

New Mark Lanegan song!

Now I REAALLYY can't wait for his new album to be out!

Apparently it was released early to help promote Rage Unearthed... CHECK IT!

If you like it you can download it here...

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Why is it whenever I stay out until 3-4 in the morning that I always wake up a little before 9?


I promise more actual blog stuff soon, it's just been a hell of a party for the past couple of days and I'm drained.... Physically, mentally, and money-ally....

As for now, here's a picture that sums up my past few nights....

Friday, March 11, 2011


Oh tequila, I certainly have a love/hate relationship with you... Last night I went to a place where you could get a tower of margaritas.... Probably drank most of it.... Felt alright until 5 in the morning when I started to get cold sweats, weakness, and stuff....

It was awesome...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The truth about Gaddafi...

Odd album covers...

After working at a record shop for awhile, I saw some pretty weird covers (most of them were on Ecko Records). Here are some of them...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mark Lanegan & Isobel Campbell

Check out some of their stuff sometime. It's a mixture of folk and an almost 60's rock vibe with the grumblings of  Mark Lanegan (Screaming Trees, QOTSA) and the soft whispers of Isobel Campbell (Bele & Sebastian).

They've so far have three albums out and here are links to samples and where you can buy them...

<---I'd suggest this one first...

Plus another selling point for this band: Isobel is freaking hot and has a hot accent....  :p

I promise to post more substantial stuff soon...

I've just been really swamped lately... I'm hoping to do some band reviews and stuff, but until the swamp subsides here's a couple of pictures that are captioned with NWA lyrics...

Microsoft Sam "Singing" Pt. 2

Ahhhh... 80's rap performed by a computer....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tom Waits Teams With David Lynch Foundation

As quoted from

"Tom Waits has teamed up with The David Lynch Foundation to help launch DLF Music and their ‘Download for Good’ campaign on PledgeMusic.
DLF Music will be releasing exclusive tracks, like Waits’ haunting live recording of “The Briar & The Rose,” as well as works from 16 other artist including Peter Gabriel, Iggy Pop and Moby.
All funds raised from these downloads will go to support the work of DLF in their global outreach, which includes teaching stress-reducing, health-promoting meditation to one million at-risk youth and 10,000 veterans with PTSD. The tracks are available at PledgeMusic along with some great music memorabilia including signed albums, books and artwork."

Want to order Queens of the Stone Age's self titled right now?


Queens of the Stone Age (Remastered) (Bonus Tracks)

Just released today through Domino Records!

Re-mastered, Re-packaged, and Re-awesomed with bonus tracks! Including "Spiders & Vinegaroons" which is one of Queen's first tracks that's on an old out-of-print Kyuss/QOTSA split...
You can hear most of the songs on the Amazon MP3 player on the right hand side of the screen.

Now with music!

Hey! Just added an Amazon MP3 player on the right hand side of the screen! If you feel like checking out some of the music I'm in to, give it a listen! A lot of Queens of the Stone Age related stuff, but a few other things...

Microsoft Sam "Singing" James Brown

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Kazoobie Wazoo: The Kazoo on Steroids!

Well, I'm a fan of using weird noise makers as instruments, so when i saw this guy I had to give it a shot.

Kazoobie Wazoo Kazoo

It's the Kazoobie Wazoo Kazoo.
All it basically is is a kazoo with an extender horn that amplifies and makes the kazoo sound "wider". It's definitely the coolest kazoo I've ever used! Also you can hold your hand over the horn and make a kind of Wah Wah/muted trumpet sound.

It's really well made considering it's a kazoo. Definitely NOT one of those 2 for a dollar kazoos that fall apart in your hand when you play them.

So if you're looking for a fun, well made, musical "toy" I would definitely suggest this kazoo!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Blogger's now working with Amazon!

Woo hoo! This will make it easier to post links to music, instruments, toys, etc.

For example, here's a link to a capo I just bought the other day:

Gonna try and use this to post links to things I'm hoping to review in the future. Fellow bloggers might want to look into it. Check out the "Monetize” tab on your dashboard and you'll see it. 

Until next time!

Shop at!

Animals in pre- to mid- sneeze Pt. 2

Got a good response from the first one, so here's some more!